Who am I?

For those of you reading this, hello and greetings! You can call me Carl. I’m just your typical SFC member, member of Music Ministry, Musician, Martial Artist and extremely amateur Weight Lifter/aspiring gym addict.

I have been a member of the CFC Family Ministries, starting out in YFC, and then subsequently SFC, since 13 April 2003, which brings me over the 10 year mark. Not quite a lifer like some of my other friends (all the way back from Kids…goodness me!). During that time, my biggest passion in the community has been Music Ministry, which is where the idea for this blog originally started. As a way to put out thoughts and ideas on music, music ministry, songs, and also experiences in service. I’ve since moved on into serving with the Light of Jesus Family at The Feast, Auckland, in the Music Ministry.

However, thinking about it, I have other hobbies too. Martial Arts being equal to Music. I’ve been exposed to the Martial Arts world since I was 11 years old, first through Kei Shin Kan Karate at the Lower Hutt dojo under Sensei Mark Pennell. Some of the best training years of my life were there. Although once I started university, I had to take a break, but kept training in things like boxing, until around about 2006/2007 when I was introduced to the world of Ed Parker’s American Kenpo thanks to my now long time instructor and mentor Mr Sean Fitzpatrick, and his peers and mentors,  Mr James Rodriguez and Mr Graham Lelliot. This all culminated in me receiving my First Degree Black Belt in American Kenpo in December of 2013. Over the years, I’ve also picked up boxing, and Kali.

One other thing that I may also write about from time to time is my own experience being a person who has to deal with keratoconus. A degenerative eye disease which slowly changes the shapes of your corneas and takes your vision away. It’s been a long journey with that too, but thankfully, I’m not having to deal with bad eye sight any more.

Over all, I’m hoping I can touch on each of these topics at least once a month. How many people end up reading this, I have no idea. Enjoy your reading and browsing as I slowly add stuff to read about 🙂